Seeing the World Differently: A Photographer’s Approach

Seeing the World Differently: A Photographer’s Approach

As a professional photographer with years of experience, I’ve learned that the best photos often aren’t the ones everyone expects. While others are focused on grand landscapes or posed portraits, I’ve found beauty in the details—the overlooked moments that tell a...
Capturing Family Memories on Holiday

Capturing Family Memories on Holiday

As a professional photographer, I’ve always believed that the magic of family holidays goes beyond the grand landscapes and posed photos. It’s about capturing the fleeting, authentic moments—those quiet, unexpected times that we hold onto long after the holiday is...
Ripping Times

Ripping Times

Ripping Times Ripping up photos – or nowadays deleting them – is not just a thing in my family, it’s a widespread practice. I hear it from quite a few people saying they have hardly any pictures of their mum. Is it an expectation of being a middle-aged woman, fully...
Old Family Photos

Old Family Photos

James asked me about looking through old family photos as a kid with my mum and dad. An idyllic scene but I don’t recall either of them being especially bothered about family history. They never even had their wedding photo framed and displayed like other friends’...


PHOTOGRAPHERS’ RULES FOR PUBLICITY SHOTS BLAM BLAM ACTION FLICKS: tight clothes, open mouths, guns, explosions. In all cases stick their digitally buffed faces on hot body doubles. We are selling fantasy here folks, not Pint ‘n’ Pie Night night down the Dog and Duck....