When I see really old Victorian or Edwardian stiff-backed portraits where there’s a furry, feathery or scaly companion, I hone in on these splendid beings straight away. They must’ve meant a lot to the people to include them in the lengthy process. I imagine the...
We were cajoled into meeting up at the photographer’s stand to prop her up, six months old, on a box with her cousins. ‘Nan and Grandad will love it.’ We cooed and rattled things. She looked unimpressed. Shoppers squeezed passed. The boys grinned to order in front of...
My wife is going to keep you updated on all things connected with our family and photography over the coming months, she is a very funny lady and a wonderful writer. I hope you enjoy her musings as much as I do on a daily basis 🙂 Over to you Mrs B!! “I am very...
I hate having my picture taken. I’m awkward, self-critical, twitchy. If James can get a decent shot of me he can photograph anyone. I don’t know what his secret is, but he captures the best of everyone. I’m always looking over his shoulder when he’s downloaded a shoot...